Friday, December 08, 2006

You Can't Celebrate Eid Without IEDs! Redux...

In the interest of not alarming anyone, or making us think that only Muslims want to commit bombings designed to kill a lot of innocent people, we weren't originally told that the villain, Derrick Shareef, is actually called
Talib Abu Salam Ibn Sareef. "Derrick" to his friends.

In a particularly ecumenical (and open-minded) part of his rant, Talib...or, Derrick...said:

“I probably would have eventually ended up just stabbing the shit outta some Jews or something. Just stabbing them niggers with a steak knife."

[At this point, if Talib were named...say, Michael Richards...he would be apologising to the Jews and talking cash settlements with their lawyer, Gloria Allred. But, since he is an adherent to the Religion of Peace, he doesn't have to apologise to anyone, least of all, the Jew.]

Not that I am stereotyping, but I was certain that Derrick was a Presbyterian.

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