Friday, December 15, 2006

Weapons of Ass Destruction
The city of Philidelphia maintains that sex between male inmates is illegal. However, the city of Philidelphia will distribute condoms to inmates who can not avoid having prison.
This means one of two things: There is a horrible problem with rape in prison; or, everyone in prison in Philadelphia turns gay.
Wait, Philadelphia is the City of Brotherly Love. Oh, okay, so it is number two. Damn, number two. I mean, the latter. Men thrown into the city's jails just can not wait to start having sex with each other, and the condoms will keep them safe from AIDS. Oh, thank God. I can sleep better tonight knowing that all of the sex in the jails of Philadelphia is of the safe variety.
The justification is that since AIDS is rampant in prison, and minorities can not control themselves, then they should get condoms. This from Dick (hehehe) Liu of the National Minority AIDS Council.
Doesn't that just support the stereotype that minorities (especially homosexuals) can not control their sex drive? Doesn't this imply that there is no control over the prisons? Isn't it odd that Philadelphia does give out condoms to its inmates, while the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania does not distribute them to prisoners in its custody and care?
It seems that working on preventing the root (hehehe) cause of prison rape would make more sense than handing out condoms. Of course, that might entail some challenges that are beyond the scope of the politically correct or the uninformed.
This is not a gay problem (since most prison rapists defend their heterosexuality in spite of the fact that they engage in homosexual sex) or a safe sex problem. It is a violence problem; and, until it can be controlled in the prisons, there is little chance that the men who are released will ever be able to return to society as functioning and productive members of the community.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so so wrong, for so many reasons.