Saturday, December 09, 2006

Slobodan Milošević

I was thinking about dictators that were bugfuck crazy, and I thought about good old Milošević. He was a communist, a lawyer, a pretty smart guy (for the most part). But, when he negotiated the Dayton Accords, he forgot about amnesty for war crimes, which led to his ultimate undoing.

He was arrested and charged with committing war crimes and genocide, and placed on trial at the ICJ. He represented himself, and acquitted himself well in the kangaroo court that is the ICJ. He died, however, with just a few days left before the end of his trial, and a verdict.

I always maintained that with a little PR, he would have walked. There were no witnesses, for the most part (all right, so he had them all killed). He should have hired Roy Black, or Alan Dershowitz (instead of representing himself). And, he should have changed his Dan.

War criminals aren't called "Dan." Bowling partners are. Bridge partners are. Dance partners are.

Yep, he just might have walked.

Good ol' Dan.

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