Saturday, December 23, 2006

“Sir, this is Patton talking … You have just got to make up Your mind whose side You’re on. You must come to my assistance, so that I may dispatch the entire German Army as a birthday present to your Prince of Peace …” — Prayer of Gen. George S. Patton, Dec. 23, 1944

If this prayer were said, 62 years to the day later, the nattering nabobs of the news would be screaming for his removal by the Commander in Chief (who, last I checked, is still President George W. Bush). CAIR (Council of Angry Islamic Retards) would be lecturing us about the angry tone of the general. Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-Kappy's Liquors) the mistreatment of the enemy. Former President Jimmy Carter would be unavailable for comment because he was too busy working for the destruction of the nation of Israel.

The bottom line: Christians generally don't want to kill people who disagree with us. Muslims practice that as part of their faith. Hell, they get Virginians in Paradise if they die killing the infidel. So, on this Christmas Eve Eve, let us all pray that God decides which side He is on, and soon, so that the world can once more be at peace.

Oh, and Merry Christmas...again.

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