Friday, December 15, 2006

Raiders of the Lost Park

Several years ago, I was hiring a new lawyer to work in my office. I had a large number of potential candidates, and there was no way that I could narrow the field without personal interviews.

After two rounds, I was left with three similarly qualified candidates; a brunette, a red head, and a blonde. All three were called in for a final, deciding interview, which took place on a rainy Friday morning.

The brunette came in first, answered all of my questions thoroughly and completely. She was charming, and bright, and had been the editor of the law review at her law school. I wanted to hire her, but I wasn't sure. I asked her, finally, "how many Ds in Indiana Jones?"

"One," she said confidently.

The red head was next. Again, she was thoughtful and pleasant. She had worked full-time while she was in law school, and made up for grades slightly lower than the brunette by having a large family in need of legal services like wills and trusts. I wanted to hire her, but I just wasn't sure. I asked her, as she was leaving, "how many Ds in Indiana Jones?"

"One," she said authoritatively.

Finally, the blonde came in to talk to me. She was really energetic and excited about the prospect of working in a firm where she would have the opportunity to try a great number of cases. She was smart, pretty, and knew many people in the business community, so I was sure that she could become a real rainmaker. I wanted to hire her, but I just wasn't sure. As she was walking her out, I said, "how many Ds in Indiana Jones?"

She stopped, took me by the arm and walked me back to my desk. She told me to sit down while she figured it out. I was puzzled. A bit horrified. Five minutes later, after using an entire legal pad and my calculator, she said, definitively, "thirty six."

Now, I was grateful to be sitting. I said, "Whaaat? Thirty six? How in the name of all that is holy did you get thirty six?"

Smiling, she said, [humming the theme] "Dum da dum dum. Dum da dum. Dum da dum dum. Dum da dum. Da da da da da da. Dum da dum dum. Dum da dum. Dum da dum dum...."

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