Thursday, November 09, 2006

More Work for Illegal Aliens!

(or, "Together, we can...)

The City of Cambridge really wants to ban leaf blowers. The City put together a task force (as if this was the Invasion of Europe or some flesh-eating disease), and is looking into the situation. This question has come up in California, as well as in other well-heeled communities on the Coasts. The internal combustion powered leaf blowers are loud, kick up dust and debris, and are contributing to the ozone hole and Global Warming. They keep thousands of otherwise motivated undocumented workers firmly ensconced on the welfare rolls (since they are wonderful labour-saving devices). If we could only ban the leaf blower, there would be more menial, minimum wage jobs for illegal aliens who just want to work!

Which is a perfect segue to one of my favourite tasteless jokes:

Q: What were the last words heard at The Alamo?

A: Look at all those fucking gardeners.

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