Monday, November 06, 2006

Don't Forget to Vote Tuesday, November 7th, 2006

I read somewhere that Democrats had been told by Republicans that due to high voter turnout in the 2006 Midterm Elections, Republicans would vote on Tuesday and Democrats would vote on Wednesday.

I have two thoughts about this:

First, it probably is true. Some clever Republican probably said, "Hey, what the hell. Let's see if it works as a means of suppressing the idiot vote." It may be viewed as mean spirited, racist, or otherwise discriminatory. But I have to think that the guy who said it probably didn't think that anyone would believe this nonsense, given that the day, the first Tuesday in November, is so ingrained in American teaching (like April 15th, for taxes).

Second, if someone actually believed this, and showed up at their polling place on Wednesday, I would suggest that they are not only too stupid to vote, they should be taken, immediately, for sterilization, because they are too stupid to reproduce. (Their spawn would just be on welfare, anyway.)

So, to recap. Republicans vote Tuesday. Democrats vote Wednesday.* You can't complain if you don't vote.

*If you believe this, jump in front of a bus, train, or go for a ride in Senator Kennedy's car.

1 comment:

The Lifeguard said...

Congratulations to the Democrats for their slightly-below-average gains in the House and Senate for a 6th year election.

God bless America. Or maybe, God help America.