Saturday, April 28, 2007

Fucking Idiot

There are a handful of American cities, called "Sanctuary Cities", where the city government has instructed the local constabulary to ignore, or outright violate, federal immigration laws.

One of those cities--Phoenix, Arizona--has a mayor called Phil Gordon (D), who has endorsed the city's sanctuary policy. He spouts the party line: "We need illegal immigrants to do the work that Americans won't do (in spite of the fact that their presence puts downward pressure on wages for legal workers, and severely taxes our social safety net)."

And while I think Mayor Gordon is a fuckwit for adopting such a policy, the fact that he appeared on the O'Reilly Factor (with Bill O'Reilly) and said "irregardless" is what drives me bugfuck crazy.

So, LotJP awards Mayor Phil Gordon the prestigious Fuckwit of the Week Award. Kudos, Phil, for making anyone who heard you on Fox News dumber.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we're in agreeance