Wednesday, May 09, 2012


Hoosier Dick?
Not Lugar.  (Consider this the Tea Party's version of gun control.)

Which prompted The Lifeguard to consider the following:

  • If you were a thirty-six (36) year veteran of the US Senate, and you lost to a guy you outspent more than three-to-one ($6.7m to Mourdock's $2m), wouldn't you be a bit chastened?  And, if you are 80 years old, shouldn't you just go gracefully, not like a petulant child?
  • The Senate is trading one Dick for another.  The Senate's Dick Quotient remains high.  (Some would say that the Dick Quotient is at 100%.)
  • Does a Dick Armey carry a Dick Lugar?
  • Did Obama's claim, "That he loved Dick," hurt Lugar among Evangelical Christians?  Did it help him in the gay community?
  • If Mourdock loses to Democrat Joe Donnelly, Indiana's US Senate delegation will be "Dickless."
The Lifeguard will continue to follow this race, as The Lifeguard welcomes any opportunity to make dick jokes, or be in Diana.

[Ed. Note:  This is Diana.]

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