Monday, October 23, 2006

These Are a Few of My Favourite Things
Tasteless Jokes
Vol. 1, No.3

Johnny was a troubled child, whose parents thought that a change would do him, and them, good. So, the Johnny family converted to Judaism.

And because Johnny (more specifically, little Johnny) had not yet been circumcised, he was. And the pain was more than a typical fourth grader could take. So Johnny, who was walking around the school with his hands in his pants, was sent to the principal.

After some discussion, Johnny was sent back to his classroom. He walked through the halls and into the classroom, with his wang hanging out of his fly.

Aghast, his teacher grabbed him and tried to turn him around so as to send him on his way back to the principal.

"But Mrs. Jones," Johnny whined, "the principal said if I could stick it out until noon, I could go home."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

now i can see the picture...very classy...and so wrong, for so many reasons..