Saturday, April 26, 2008

Where is Al Sharpton when you need him?

More Proof Of A Racist America...

Black dogs are more likely to be euthanised than lighter-coloured dogs. This is because of the inherent racism of America's white folk. And, because most people, when they go to adopt a hound, choose small, cute, white (or light-coloured) dogs.

People are, not surprisingly, afraid of big, scary, black dogs.

Strangely, Senator B. Hussein Obama's maternal grandmother--the one that he called a racist--owned Yellow Labrador Retrievers because they were "less frightening" than Black Labs.

The Reverend Jeremiah Wright remarked that, "This is proof that AmeriKKKa is still a racist country. A country where all dogs are not created equal."

He went on to say that, "[T]he U.S. Government invented fleas and heartworm to wipe out black dogs."

Someone call the Reverend!

Or, the NAACP (the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured Pooches).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

old news...