Sunday, February 25, 2007


The Lenten Season began last Wednesday--Ash Wednesday--and, in the interest of self-improvement, I made, once more, the ultimate sacrifice: I gave up cursing for Lent, in hopes of becoming a better person.

It sounds frivolous, but it means a whole fucking lot to me. Really, very fucking important. No shit.

Usually, the fucking promise to quit using profanity lasts somewhere between a few minutes and a few hours. I shit you not. I take this shit really fucking seriously, and you can fuck off if you don't believe me, you cunts.

Anyway, this year saw me break the 24 hour barrier--not a fucking curse word until Thursday morning, when I woke up, nearly shouting, "What the fuck?" I mean really, what the fuck.

So, my point was that I made it until Thursday morning, about 26 hours of profanity-free living. Then, all hell broke loose.

Aw, fuck it.

1 comment:

Cartooniste said...

i dig the use of the phrase "i don't cotton to." that, my friend, is old school.

i am very sorry to hear about your dad.