Friday, February 20, 2015

Happy Black History Month!

Black History Month?
Maybe We Need Muslim History Week.

Six years into the Obama Administration, and we are still using terms like "black ice" and "blackballed."  You'd think that in a post-racial world, we'd stop calling a "spade a spade" and start calling it a "fucking shovel."  You'd think.

Someone get Sharpton on the phone! STAT!

Two things popped out when The Lifeguard read this story about Mo'Nique.
First, isn't it interesting that Lee Daniels and Mo'Nique freely use the term "blackballed." I thought that was a racist term that was insensitive to blacks.

Second, Lee Daniels notes, at the end of the article, that Mo'Nique use the technical term...a "douchebag"...who is everything but a team player. (And, since Hollywood is all about the Benjamins, it makes sense that people who don't play the game get shunted aside, regardless of the depth of their talent.)

So, isn't it unfair to report that Hollywood is at fault (for keeping an undeniably talented black actress on the sidelines) when her friend (and undeniably talented black actor, director, and producer) admits that she's a difficult person with whom to work? Would this blunt Reverend Al's push to wring some of those Benjamins out of the Hollywood studios?

Also, can we get on the the "black ice" thing? The Lifeguard has been on the case for years, and has had no success. All he needs is a few million dollars, and a show on MSNBC. (Preferably following Rachel Maddow. The Lifeguard finds her strangely attractive, especially when she wears those tight blue jeans and riding boots.)

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