Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thank You For Your Service To Our Country...

Today is Veterans Day, a Federal Holiday formerly known as Armistice Day.

The eleventh day of the eleventh month was selected to commemorate the war dead in World War I (which ended in a rail car at the eleventh hour). Following World War II, the name was changed, creating a holiday to celebrate the sacrifice of all American war dead, and the veterans of those wars, fought to preserve the Republic.

My father, a member of "The Greatest Generation," served in the United States Army Air Force during World War II; and, later, he spent forty years as an Air Force civilian, working to ensure that the Air Force was the best equipped in the world.

From the B-26 (which served in numerous conflicts) to the F-101 Voodoo. From the F-4 Phantom to the F-16 Fighting Falcon, he established himself as a master logistician, a friend to our allies, and a patriot. He was my hero, from my first memory of him to my last, as he lay dying.

He worked closely with the Ninth Air Force, and as such, their crest is shown above, proudly.

Today, I remember him, my Uncle Joe (COL, USAF (Ret.)), my cousin Steve (USMA Class of 1975 and MAJ, USA (Ret.)), my friend Tom (USMA Class of 1987 and LTC, USA) and his entire family, and my friend, Wayne (COL, USAF (Ret.)). I also remember and pray for all of those men and women who have served under arms for this great nation. And, I say, "Thank you for your service."

As a final comment, I encourage everyone to say thank you to our service men and women. They serve so that we may live in freedom.


Anonymous said...

And, lest I forget: my mother's cousin, E., who was an Army Nurse during WWII, my friend S. (USAF Nursing Corps) and all of the other women who have defended our rights and freedom.

Thank you for your service.

Anonymous said...

thank you for not leaving out the women...

i have a few people i could add to your list too.