Geraldine Ferraro Speaks The Truth
Hillary! shit-hammered adviser (and former Democrat Vice President candidate), Geraldine Ferraro, for having the balls to state the obvious.
Senator Obama is where he is, as I noted in an earlier post, because he has no record to speak of; and, because he is black. There, I said it. Barack Obama is black. These attributes--a lack of a paper trail and his blackness--go hand-in-hand; and, one without the other would knock him from the Olympic heights. (e.g., The Reverends Jackson and Sharpton are not viable because they each have a record.)
And, when anyone dares to suggest that Senator Obama is unqualified to be President, the lynch mobs gather, and there are screams of racism, narrow-mindedness, bigotry, and ignorance.
But, frankly, I would like to know how, in the name of all that is holy, is it wrong to question Senator Obama's (lack of) experience when it was more than all right to question the intellect and experience of (then Governor, now President) George W. Bush. (Even today, he is known to some as "the dumbest President.")
Hell, President Bush had learned to fly an
interceptor, gotten an M.B.A., run a business, run a
baseball team, and governed a Republic (yes, Virginia, Texas
is a republic). Senator Obama has, well, defended
Tony Rezko, distanced himself from Louis Farrakhan, and been a legislator.
People were elated when he selected Dick Cheney to be his running mate, because he would bring
gravitas to the ticket. Who is Senator Obama going to select to bring
gravitas to
his ticket?
Oh, wait. He doesn't need any
gravitas, because he is the second coming of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and the Reverend Martin Luther King, all rolled into one.
I am not saying that I am happy about everything that President Bush has done; and, maybe there is something to be said for having little (or no experience) when coming to the job; but, face it, even President Jimmy Carter (our worst President) had been a Chief Executive.
If the media is doing their job, then we will hear about Senator Obama's warts, Hillary!'s wounds, and Senator McCain's skin cancers.
And, if they won't, The Lifeguard will.