Tuesday, October 10, 2006


If one more educated person, just one more, says "supposebly", I will take a life. Maybe, my own.

What the hell?

Like fingernails on a chalkboard, when I hear ass clowns who say "irregardless", and douchebags who order "expresso", I become absolutely apoplectic. I hate it when someone is too dense to pronounce their words correctly.

Language is the currency of the educated man and woman. These idiots are broke.

sup·posed (s-pzd, -pzd)
1. Presumed to be true or real without conclusive evidence.
2. Intended: medication that is supposed to relieve pain.
a. Required: He is supposed to go to the store.
b. Permitted: We are not supposed to smoke here.
c. Firmly believed; expected: You're supposed to be my friend.

sup·posed·ly (-pzd-l) adv.
Synonyms: supposed, conjectural, hypothetical, putative, reputed, suppositious, supposititiousThese adjectives mean put forth or accepted as being true on inconclusive grounds: the supposed cause of inflation; conjectural criticism; the hypothetical site of a lost culture; a foundling's putative father; the reputed author of the article; suppositious reconstructions of dead languages; supposititious hypotheses.
Antonym: certain
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As an aside, I don't believe, even for a moment, that these folks meant to say "supposable". They aren't that smart.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i used to feel the same way about people who said "ying yang." "YIN! IT'S YIN!" i once screamed at someone.
college in new york, you know. that how we roll.