Saturday, October 28, 2006

What Price Equality? About $18 Million Dollars.

A man was fired for complaining that his female supervisor sexually harassed him. Gloria Allred took the case. I think that an award of $1.7 million, plus over $16 million for punitive damages is, well, outrageous. It is, however, a $6 million payday for Gloria, so hooray for her. I am glad that worked out for you, Gloria. Yeah, way to go.

Oh, and her client was an inventory clerk, with 25 years on the job. That means that in his remaining ten or so years of likely employment before retirement, he will be looking at about $170,000.00 per annum. Actually, more like $1.2 million, mostly tax free, when you take into account the punitive damages.

Yes, that is quite reasonable for a fucking inventory clerk. No wonder my groceries are so expensive.

Von's has appealed.

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