This bloated gasbag is poised to win re-election to the United States Senate. Apparently, the only qualifications to being elected to the United States Senate from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are to have a couple of martyred brothers, to have killed a woman who you were taking to the beach to have sex with, or to have been kicked out of Harvard for cheating. Oh, and you need to be a communist. It also helps to have an assload of money that you either married or inherited because you were too fucking stupid to have made your own way in the world.
The recent story about Senator Kennedy's efforts to undermine the United States can be found here: http://www.cnsnews.com/
In a perfect world, this assclown would be hanged, beheaded, drawn and quartered, then have his entrails removed and burned.
That is the thing about the transparency of the new Russia (a/k/a the former Soviet Union). We have learned that the Rosenbergs were rightfully executed for their role in helping the Soviet Union get the H-Bomb, the Venona intercepts have proven Senator McCarthy was right, and that men like Senator John Kerry (D-Beacon Hill, Nantucket and Naushon Island) helped the North Vietnamese prevail in the Vietnam War. Now, we find that proof that Fat Boy is not just a commie, but a traitor, too.
Yet another example of how Massachusetts' headlines are America's punchlines.
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