Monday, March 09, 2009

Still Laughing...

I Was Coming Around The Corner At The Market
speaking to my son in my strong Southern accent, when I heard one clerk say something to another:

Clerk: "Over by the crackers."

Lifeguard: "I beg your pardon." (Even more Southern.)

Clerk: "Huh?"

Lifeguard: "You called me a 'craker.' I am offended. I want to speak with your manager."

Clerk: "But, um.... Are you serious? I was talking to her. [Pointing to the other clerk.]"

And, for the next two minutes, I let the poor bastard twist in the wind, each dig just a little deeper than the last.


Lifeguard: "Nah, don't worry about it. I'm just messing with you."

It was just about the best two minutes I have spent in the last few weeks.

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