Monday, December 11, 2006

Tzipi Livni!

The second most powerful politician in Israel is a smiling example of why we should ignore the bi-partisan Iraq Study Group's abortion of a report.
After reviewing the report of the Iraq Study Group, released Wednesday, New York Post editorial page editor John Podhoretz declared: “The nation’s capital hasn’t seen such concentrated wisdom in one place since Paris Hilton dined alone at the Hooters on Connecticut Avenue.”

She is an educated, powerful woman in a Middle Eastern democracy. You know, the kind that are covered with burqas, banned from driving, and prevented from showing even their ankles in Islamic countries.

One would think that Americans would be able to grasp that everyone deserves the same rights and equality that we enjoy here in the United States.

Unfortunately, some people don't see it that way, or don't care. The former is sad, the latter is a tragedy.


Anonymous said...


The Lifeguard said...

You are so welcome, Tzipi.