Wednesday, December 06, 2006

An elderly couple in a small town had been dating for a long time. At the urging of their friends, they decided it was finally time for marriage. Before the wedding, they went out to dinner and had a long conversation on how their marriage might work. They discussed finances, living arrangements and so on.

Finally, the old gentleman decided it was time to broach the subject of their physical relationship. "How do you feel about sex?" he asked. "Well," she said, responding very carefully, "I'd have to say - I would like it infrequently."

The old gentleman sat quietly for a moment, then over his glasses, he looked her in the eye and asked, "Is that one word or two?"


Anonymous said...


Christopher King said...

And Redd Fox said he knew the definition of indecent:

When it's in good and it's in deep, it's in decent :)



PS: Doing some good things in Nashua, and being respected for it in ways I have not even published yet:


The Lifeguard said...

I am glad to hear that Redd Foxx was admired by someone other than me.

We need to talk, and to play some tennis, brother.

Anonymous said...

i wanna play tennis