Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Iran Hosts Holocaust Conference

Apparently, those death camps were really just resorts for the Jews.

Thank God that the Iranian government is going to sponsor a workshop to look into how history has exaggerated the holocaust, and how this was all just a Jewish plot to justify the formation of the nation of Israel.

Those sneaky Jews. They manufactured mountains of evidence of Nazi death camps and the systematic extermination of Jews (and Gypsies, Catholics, homosexuals and other lesser races) so that an arid desert land could be given to the Jews as their homeland.

You would think that Iran (and other Muslim nations) would be grateful for a Jewish state. A place where all Jews could go and live in peace and harmony. Of course, the Israelis took this land, and through industriousness, education and a lot of help from the United States, turned it into a productive society. And, they did it, I might add, on the only piece of land in the Middle East that isn't flush with oil wealth.

Rather than do the same with their own people, they selected the Zionist Jews as the cause of their problems. This, of course, is much easier than actually being productive.

Rather than have an open, democratic society, Iran chooses to oppress those who oppose the mullahs, to make women second-class citizens, and to limit the media. There is no need to actually work, since the nation is driven by petrodollars; and, it is much easier to demonise Israel than deal with change.

Ahmed: I want a new video game, papa.

Hamed: We can't afford to buy you one, Ahmed. Thanks to the Great Satan, and their puppet, the Jewish dogs in Israel, we have no money. Why don't you become a suicide bomber, then you will not need a video game. You will be too busy with the 72 virgins that will be bestowed upon you in Paradise.

Ahmed: Oh, papa. You are so right. I don't need an X-Box, just an explosive belt and a one-way ticket to Tel Aviv. Allah akhbar.


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