Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Do you have something in XL?

I think that this is the greatest idea to come down the pike since beheading. (Sorry, CSI: Miami reference.) So, this guy now has to wear a T-Shirt that says something along the lines of "I Am A Child Molester." No, we are not talking about R. Kelly's new line of clothing, we are talking a judge making a child molester wear the 21st Century equivalent of the Scarlet Letter.


As an aside, don't you think that Nathaniel Hawthorne could write a great novel based on this story?

I believe that the T-Shirts should have the "Child Molester" tag, along with pictures of smurfs, Disney characters, and other popular icons. This will insure that children see the shirt, and pay attention to it.

"Billy, when you go to the park, stay away from any adult wearing a Sponge Bob T-Shirt."

Wait, if you are an adult, wearing a Sponge Bob T-Shirt, you might already be a child molester, and therefore do not need any writing on the shirt to further identify you to your potential victims.

Kudos to the judge. Oh, and if I were this guy's lawyer, I wouldn't be available for comment, either.

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