Saturday, September 08, 2007

Nadine Learns That Being A Bean-Eating, Pot-Smoking Naturist Has Severe Consequences...

Nadine Fortune, a life-long naturist, had just twisted up a fatty and fired up for a few quick hits before her 2:00pm volleyball game. What happened next was the stuff of science fiction, or James Bond.

Much to Fortune's chagrin, the match was still glowing as she squatted to get a little "taste of nature." A pocket of methane, lingering in her small intestine, was released, and was ignited once it hit the glowing stick.

"The next thing I knew, I was flying," said Fortune. "I knew that Northern California Sinsemilla was great, but this was amazing."

And even though she suffered second-degree burns to her anus, she is eager to fire up for another trip.


Anonymous said...

hfwtfmf??!! that is oh so wrong, for oh so many reasons.

Anonymous said...

now that's funny

The Lifeguard said...

NASA is looking into this as a cheaper means of getting men (and women) into space.

ICE is looking at this as a deportation method.

Anonymous said...

and she doesn't have a bikini bottom on.

Anonymous said...

Yes, she does have a bikini bottom on her bottom. It is flesh-coloured, and very hard to discern.

Either that, or she has a hell of a wax job.

The Lifeguard said...

This is the most popular post ever.


Anonymous said...
